
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

CRITERION D: Using language

This is one of many sites you can use to practice sentence transformation.
Some tips before you begin: 

The important thing in key word transformations is that you keep the meaning the same - EXACTLY the same. So it's important that you read through the first sentence and your second sentence to ensure you have kept the meaning the same. Look at these two sentences:
Tommy said he was ready for his driving test and would take it in July.
Tommy said he was ready for his driving test and could take it in July.
One letter has been changed, from "would" to "could" but it changes the meaning of the sentence totally. Be careful of this!

The most common grammatical topics covered in Key Word Transformations are:
  • modal verbs and semi-modal verbs
  • verb patterns such as verb/infinitive, verb/gerund/ verb + preposition + gerund, etc
  • active voice to the passive voice
  • direct speech to reported speech
  • phrasal verbs and multi-word verbs
  • common idioms
  • third conditional
  • look like and seem / do and make / regret and wish
So keep note of the grammar topics you still don't know so you can focus on practising them at home. 

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